Homepage (English)
The main page with links to all sections of the website.
Dogs Available for Adoption
Updated listing of dogs available for adoption at the Puerto Vallarta CCSA.
Cats Available for Adoption
Updated listing of cats available for adoption at the Puerto Vallarta CCSA.
Adoption Process at the PV Animal Shelter
Learn how to adopt a dog or cat from the municipal animal shelter in Puerto Vallarta.
Monthly Dog Adoptions
A detailed list of dogs adopted monthly at the Puerto Vallarta Animal Shelter.
Monthly Cat Adoptions
A detailed list of cats adopted monthly at the Puerto Vallarta Animal Shelter.
Medicines and Treatments for Shelter Animals
Discover how your donations help provide essential medications and care for abandoned animals.
Flower Photos of Dogs
A creative fundraising campaign from 2017 organized by Friends of Puerto Vallarta Animals.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers about the CCSA: our foundation, animal care, adoption procedures, donations, and more.
Dogs by the Numbers
Statistical breakdown of shelter dogs: distribution by breed, size, and gender.
How to Get to the CCSA
Directions and bus routes to the Puerto Vallarta Animal Shelter, along with a location map.
What Happened to PV's City Pound?
A detailed article by volunteer David Rohde, published in the PV Mirror.
Search for an Animal by Name
If you know the name of the dog or cat you're looking for, use this tool to find it quickly.
Support for Animal Rescuers in Puerto Vallarta
How Friends of Puerto Vallarta Animals assist local rescuers with valuable resources and information, despite not having a shelter facility.
Animals in Foster Care
Friends of Puerto Vallarta Animals coordinates placing some animals in temporary foster care for their adaptation or healing prior to adoption.