Puerto Vallarta Dog Pound Stats

The Shelter by Numbers

We started compiling data in June 2017. Since then, 1163 dogs have been registered at the shelter. They arrive for various reasons: left by their owners at our door during closing hours, brought in by the Green Patrol after reports of abuse, bites, or neglect, found injured or very sick on the streets of Puerto Vallarta, etc. Of these 1163 dogs, 894 dogs have been adopted, and 222 dogs have died or have been euthanized for health or safety reasons. A total of 47 dogs are currently waiting to be adopted. Please consider giving them a chance, especially the ones that have been waiting a long time.

The following stats are related to all the dogs in our records, not just the ones currently available for adoption.

Distribution by Dog Breed

Akita: 1

Australian Cattle dog: 1

Australian Sheppard: 16

Belgian Sheppard: 20

Boston Terrier: 1

Boxer: 7

Bull Terrier: 2

Bulldog mix: 1

Chihuahua: 69

Cocker Spaniel: 7

Collie: 11

Dachshund: 2

Dalmatian: 5

Doberman: 14

German Sheppard: 15

Golden Retriever: 3

Greyhound Mix: 1

Husky: 7

Jack Russell Terrier: 1

Labrador: 56

Maltese: 1

Mastiff: 2

Mixed Breed: 680

Pitbull: 138

Pitbull + Great Dane: 1

Pitbull + Labrador: 1

Pitbull + Mastiff: 2

Pitbull Mix: 18

Poodle: 18

Pug: 9

Rottweiler: 7

Schnauzer: 6

Sharpei: 3

Sharpei + Boxer: 1

Staffordshire Terrier: 1

Terrier: 35

  1. "Adopted" means the dog has been placed in a home locally or internationally, returned to its original owner, or transferred permanently to another institution such as SPCA. Dogs currently in foster homes do not count as adopted.
  2. Dog sizes are assigned at the discretion of the staff, and for puppies, they mean the expected size once they reach adulthood.
  3. Breeds are rarely pure—they are assigned by approximation of the specimen's look to the closest breed.